Isik Abla Muslim Woman who became a Christian

Isik Abla:

'via Blog this'


  1. Isik Alba is correct n did the right thing, in my opinion JESUS is the son of god (YAHUAH). But iam not understanding what is islam where it came from, there is only one god and he is YAHUAH. The BIBLE is correct n follow it u will survive.

    1. Islam came into the world through the man Muslims refer to as "The Prophet Muhammad." Muhammad experienced visions and recorded them, and then began preaching at first to his wife and a few friends, and then to more and more people. Muhammad lived hundreds of years after Jesus, and though he believed and taught that Jesus was a prophet, Muhammad failed to understand that Jesus was also God and the Savior of the world.

    2. Not only was Jesus God and the Savior of the world, but he was raised from the dead, on the third day, and He still lives and gives new life to those who believe in Him and who call upon His name.

    3. Jesus was born 1400 years approx before Muhammed. Jesus was born according to the prophets of the Bible who told of His coming 700 years before His birth, that He would be born of a virgin, even that He would be born in Bethlehem. He was crucified, dead and buried but rose from the dead and is alive today. He took the sin of man, all that He asks is that we repent of sin, believe Him and ask Him to be Lord and Saviour of our lives.

  2. if bible is really book of god so why it has so many scientific & logical errors???

    1. Please tell me what "scientific and logical errors" you are referring to.

  3. Quantity does not matter, its Quality which matters, A person who does not live his life according to the teaching of Islam, cannot be called a Muslim anyway.


  5. zakir and tanvir brothers we are muslims and as a muslims it is our faith that ALLAH is our god.jesus(ISA) is our prophet and we firmly obey that HAZRAT MUHAMMAD(S.A.W.W)is our last we don't try to perplex with chiristians and other religions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!As a muslim,we try to understan our problems , not of others.chiristian and jews made a lot of changings in bible,psalms(zabur) and torah(toret) and change their faces very badly.Thanks to ALLAH that we are muslims and we belive in all prophets,all books of ALLAH.

    Muhammad Abdur-Rehman Siddiqui From Karachi,Sindh,Pakistan.

    1. Those who say that the bible has been corrupted by Christians and Jews have a problem. You have no earlier documents that you can use to prove that the documents used in translating the Bible have been corrupted. So this is something you believe, but you have nothing to base that belief on. Muhammad referred to the books of the Old and New Testament as revelations from Allah. Today so called Muslims claim that those texts have been corrupted. It is an insult to Muhammad, as well as to Christians and Jews.

  6. A simple question to all of you who faithfully believe in Allah and his holy book Koran;
    How can it be that none of you have found the love and peace of God, the inner peace in your heart? You are all struggling to please your God Allah by being a good servant, but none of you can say “I got it”.

    There are thousands of Muslims who have met the Lord Jesus Christ, and He has given them a peace in their hearts, and filled them with the love of God that no religion can give. Because the life with God is not a religion, it is a relationship. And the key of how to find it is only through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

    If you ask the Lord Jesus Christ in to your life, then He will meet you!
    God bless you
    – Carlos

  7. Muslims and christians don't believe in the same GOD.

  8. The so called contradictions muslims find in the bible are real, from the point of view of logic, but the thing is that divinities must of the time go beyond logics. But Muslims usually fail to recognize the ambiguity of the Q'ran too. There re two mohamed in the q'ra; mohamed 1 and mohamed 2, depending on where he "preached". I medina he was a kind fellow to christian and jews, but in mekka, he became harsh. Which of the face is the right one?


  10. to anonymos
    i'm a muslin and proud of it, i believe in alah and i respect all the prophet ... when i pray god i ask him by all his names and all his messangers ...i'm not a good muslin i mean i dont pray regulary but i have faith and beliefs ... when i'm in trouble when i feel alone when i have no one to turn to i pray my lord 'alah' and i promise u i feel peace and light and all my probs go away
    ;) have a nice day
    respects for all religions <3

  11. wait wait hey people one day come you will ask who is right way who is wrong way. Jesus will answer you. and Allah will answer you. Jesus will came the world Jesus will become MUSLIM. that time what you will do. I'm waiting that time I will ask so Who is your LORD Jesus or ALLAH. INshaaALLAH I'm waiting this day. Please If you don't know about Islam don't say nothing. I know about Jesus (ISA m.a.w). Keep CALM don't become enemy ti Islam. I can understand all of you. I don't have knowledge. I'm love all of you because Allah made all of you. God bless you . May Allah open your mind,your heart to truth way.

  12. Dear All Non Muslim Brothers & Sisters

    I request all of you to read the Holy Book Quran. I hope it will be beneficial to you and us (all muslims) before any critisize you must read this holy book and should be neutral before reading then its upto you either you accept or not.
    I also request to all muslims to read Quran and then debate.
    I hope Allah or God will guide you. and all human being. I also request all of you to respect prophets either you belived or not.

  13. I don't want to impose my point of view or my perception bt just to express. When we use the word GOD so an imagination comes in our mind of something supreme and above all creatures who is above all human attributuions. So then how can we compare a human with a supreme DIETY. By saying so I am not insulting Jesus Christ bcoz we held him in more respect then you and not even want to have his statue or photo made up just like as that of Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H). I would like to say one thing that we as human we thing of ourselves impure as compared to God. We do have some human necessities and of course God is above all and Pure so then how can we say that Jesus Christ is God who was himself born to Mary. God existed from the very first day and will exist forever He is above all human attributions. These things differentiate God from a man. Thats what the point I want to say that just differentiate between God and a man. U may read the Surah Ikhlas from in which a clearcut definition is given of God to clear all the confusion and secondly I think so its more better to accept something with stronger logic. We do accept Bible bt that one which was unchanged and revealed upon Jesus and Moses and David. And we do have proof and revelation in Quran that proves of its temperaments and if someone argues of its credibilty so then its miracles are more then enough to believe in it. Although it is a huge discussion which can't b let now.

  14. It has been definitely corrupted brother . Why else would the Quran have come ? Refer to the Old Testament and you will many instances where Jesus calls himself servant of God . And also calling out to God . I ask you with all respect to you brother , why would a God call out for God ? And if he does for your sins , what does it mean if you believe in him that you may commit sin and be forgived ? And what is the trinity ? Isn’t that based off of polytheism ? The fact is that unfortunately Christianity has been corrupted ever since Paul . He altered Jesus teachings . Jesus I’m the Quran dissociates himself from anyone calling him son of God . In fact , Jesus is mentioned more than Muhammad in the Quran . There is one miracle never mentioned in the Bible when he was a baby he defended Mary when they accused of her committing adultery . My advice to you before you leave this world , give the Quran a chance brother . Please read it .


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